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HydroLab® FAQs

How does the Hydrolab® work?

Our hydrogen bottles utilize SPE (Solid Polymer Electrolyte) and PEM (Proton Exchange Membrane) technology to infuse water with hydrogen gas. During the electrolysis process, the SPE separates the water into oxygen and hydrogen, while the PEM allows only hydrogen ions to pass through, ensuring the water is enriched with pure molecular hydrogen.

How many bottles can I drink per day?

The amount of hydrogen water one should drink per day can vary based on individual health goals and needs. However, general recommendations suggest consuming 4-5 bottles (approximately 1-2L) per day for optimal benefits.

How long does the hydrogen last?

Molecular hydrogen gas remains effective for up to 1 hour when in sealed water. When you're ready for more hydrogen water, simply press the power button, and the bottle will generate additional hydrogen gas for you to enjoy!

My Hydrolab® doesn’t make many bubbles?

If your hydrogen bottle isn’t producing bubbles, it is most likely due to the proton exchange membrane drying out during transit. To fix this, soak the bottle in warm water for 2-3 hours. This should rehydrate the PEM.

Why is my HydroLab® Leaking?

There are two main reasons why small leaks may occur around the base of your HydroLab:

1. Pressure Build-Up: As hydrogen gas is produced, it can create pressure inside the bottle. Our HydroLab bottles are built to handle and maintain this pressure however for safety reasons and to avoid cracking of the glass canister, the leak is designed as a safety mechanism to release excess pressure. To release excess pressure manually and mitigate any leaks, loosen the lid slightly to let pressure escape. Once the internal pressure has been stabilized, return to use as usual.

2. Seal and Gasket Issues: The seals and gaskets that prevent leaks may degrade over time or be improperly fitted, leading to potential leaks. Refer to the video here as we explain how to easily resolve this.

How should I assemble/disassemble my bottle?

The HydroLab® is made up of 3 main components, the lid, the canister and the base. In this video we explain how to disassemble the Hydrolab® and assemble it properly in order to avoid any leaks and usage issues.

Why does my bottle have a smell/taste?

The coating around the seal of our HydroLab® can occasionally cause a slight taste or smell, which is completely normal and can be easily resolved. In this video, we explain how this problem can be fixed with a couple of easy methods.

What is the bottle made of?

Our HydroLab® is crafted from the highest quality materials to ensure durability and efficiency in the electrolysis process over long-term use. The lid and base is constructed with titanium, providing superior strength and resistance to corrosion, while the canister is made from hardened glass to ensure clarity and robustness.

There's moisture in my new bottle

It is completely normal to find moisture in a brand new hydrogen bottle. This is because the SPE and PEM filters need to remain wet to prevent drying out during transit.

Can I pour H2 water into another glass?

Certainly, you can transfer your freshly hydrogenated water into another glass or stainless steel container. However, please note that even in a sealed container, the concentration of hydrogen gas will stay present and testable in the water for up to 12 hours.

How to clean

When cleaning the HydroLab®, DO NOT put the base inside a dishwasher or submerge under water. Due to the electronics inside, this component can be damaged. The canister and lid can be washed as usual (hand washed or in a dishwasher). In this video, we detail everything you'll need to know about cleaning the HydroLab®.

What happens to the oxygen?

All remaining oxygen gas is vented from the bottle so only pure molecular hydrogen becomes infused in your water. In our HydroLab® the o2 gases are vented through a seperate port at the base of the bottle.

What type of water should I use?

Using our advanced proton exchange membrane technology, our bottles and pitchers are compatible with various water sources, including regular unfiltered tap water, filtered water, reverse osmosis, natural spring, purified, and well water. Please note that water with a low mineral content may result in a less noticeable visual reaction.

Is it safe to drink during pregnancy?

Yes. There is no documentation indicating that drinking hydrogen-rich water is unsafe during pregnancy. However, we always recommend consulting your healthcare provider before making any dietary changes during pregnancy, especially when consuming products with added supplements or substances like hydrogen-rich water. Your healthcare provider can offer the most accurate and up-to-date information based on your health and circumstances.

Filters or replacement parts

One of the main benefits to our Hyrolab® compared to our single use competitors out there, is that there are no replacements parts needed! Our bottles are reusable, rechargeable, and never stop creating Hydrogen Water.

It is important to note however, just like any electronic that uses a re-chargeable battery, a slight reduction in power can be expected with use over time (approx 3 months before any difference can be noticed). As a result of this, we provide replacement bases which you can swap out.

Due to the electrolysis process utilizing our SPE and PEM filters, not replacement filters are needed for the HydroLab®.

Can I use hot or cold water?

We recommend using room temperature, cold, or iced water. DO NOT pour hot water into your bottle or pitcher, as it can damage the proton exchange membrane (PEM) and may void the warranty.

How many uses with a full battery?

Depending on which bottle you have, it will be able to generate up to 30 times under one full charge and it takes approximately 2-3 hours to fully charge. Remember to use the supplied USB charging cable.

What do the lights mean in my HydroLab®?

We have programmed our HydroLab® with a series of lights to indicate the different stages your bottle is in.

Blue: An electrolysis process is running. Once the blue light turns off, the process is complete and your water is fully hydrogenated.

Red (blinking): This indicates that your bottle has depleted its battery and is in need of a charge.

Red (solid): This indicates that the HydroLab® is currently connected to power and is charging, however is still low on battery.

Green: This indicates that the HydroLab® is currently connected to power and is fully charged.

Our Comprehensive HydroLab® Guide

How many bottles can I drink per day?

How long does the hydrogen last?

How should I assemble/disassemble my bottle?

Why does my bottle have a smell/taste?

My Hydrolab® doesn’t make many bubbles?

Why is my HydroLab® Leaking?

What type of water should I use?

What do the lights mean in my HydroLab®?

There's moisture in my new bottle

How to clean my HydroLab®

HeatLab® FAQs

How does the HeatLab® work?

The HeatLab® operates by heating water to produce steam, thereby increasing both the moisture and temperature of the air withing the sauna.

How hot does the HeatLab® get?

The HeatLab® heats usually operates at a temperature of 45-50 degrees celsius. The high humidity can make the temperature feel much closer to 90 degrees

How do I clean it?

The HeatLab® provides various health benefits, including enhanced circulation, muscle relaxation, stress reduction, sinus clearing, improved skin health, and better sleep.

The ideal session duration varies for each person, but starting with 15-20 minutes is generally recommended. Always listen to your body and exit if you begin to feel uncomfortable.

What are the benefits of using the HeatLab®?

The HeatLab® provides various health benefits, including enhanced circulation, muscle relaxation, stress reduction, sinus clearing, improved skin health, and better sleep.

The ideal session duration varies for each person, but starting with 15-20 minutes is generally recommended. Always listen to your body and exit if you begin to feel uncomfortable.

Are the HeatLab® materials toxic when heated?

The HeatLab® is made of premium-grade polyester with no toxic materials. The HeatLab® inner and outer material is polyester taffeta, which is a plain weave of polyester fibers. Between the inner and outer is a layer of cotton which is laser pressed together. The fabric was chosen to ensure it is safe.

Can I use it indoors & outdoors?

The HydroLab® can be used both indoors and outdoors. Although weather-proof, we recommend packing up the HydroLab® and bringing it inside in extreme conditions.

How long should I spend in the HeatLab®?

It varies by individual, but for moderate heat levels, up to 30 minutes in the HeatLab® is recommended. For higher, more intense heat, we suggest limiting sessions to 15-20 minutes. Always listen to your body and step out if you start to feel uncomfortable.

What's the difference between steam sauna and dry sauna?

A steam sauna has high humidity and lower temperatures, whereas a dry sauna features low humidity and higher temperatures.

The steam sauna offers several added benefits, including:

  • Skin Hydration: Steam saunas are great for hydrating the skin. The moisture opens up pores, aiding in cleansing the skin and potentially reducing acne.
  • Joint and Muscle Relaxation: The warm, moist heat helps relieve tension in muscles and joints.
  • Deep Sweat: The high humidity environment induces a deeper sweat, which may help cleanse the skin and improve its appearance.

Can I use the HeatLab® if I have a medical condition?

If you have a medical condition such as heart disease, low or high blood pressure, or are pregnant, it's recommended to consult with a healthcare provider before using the HeatLab®.

Can I add essential oils to my sauna?

Yes, however it is extremely important that essential oils are NOT added to the external steam chamber. This will result in malfunction of the steam chamber.

The oils should only be added to the small circular steam device located inside the sauna tent

How many people can comfortably fit inside the HeatLab®?

The HeatLab® is designed for one person when seated.

How should I clean the steam chamber?

After the steamer has cooled down, simply wipe it dry to maintain cleanliness.
Limescale build in the steamer can occur if the steamer is not wiped down after use. Using a solution of water and vinegar to remove those stains is recommended. This can be effective in cleaning and removing residue.

Do you offer returns?

Of course! Return it within 30 days in sellable condition and you will be refunded in full minus the return postal charge.

If returns are due to faults, sufficient documentation should be sent.

Please refer to our returns policy for more information

IceLab® FAQs

What are the benefits of ice baths?

There is a large body of scientific evidence suggesting that deliberate cold exposure, such as ice baths, cold plunges or cold showers, has a number of positive health benefits including;

  • Elevated energy: Ice baths (cold plunges) can help to boost energy levels and improve alertness and focus.
  • Physical recovery: Ice baths (cold plunges) can help to reduce inflammation and muscle soreness, making it a useful tool for recovery after physical activity.
  • Immune support: Ice baths (cold plunges) can help to boost the immune system and may even help to reduce the severity and duration of colds and flu.
  • Enhanced metabolism: Research suggests that Ice bath cold plunges lead to sustained increases in metabolism..
  • Improved mood: Ice baths (cold plunges) have been proven to help to improve mood and reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety.
  • Decreased stress: Cold exposure may help to reduce stress, improve sleep and enhance overall well-being.

How long should I stay in my IceLab®?

Research has shown that to enhance recovery you should aim to accumulate 11 min per week in the Ice Bath.

You can either do this all at once (i.e. 11 min straight) or if you’re not used to Cold Water Immersion, you can break it up into shorter durations (e.g. 2 x 5 min with 2 min out of bath in-between).

We recommend breaking it up into 2-3 minute sessions to start.

It's critically important that you listen to your body and only stay in the tub as long as you feel is right for you. Don't overdo it.

What temperature should my IceLab® be?

This is a very individual based answer.
Generally speaking ice baths are most effective between 5-10 degrees celcius

Where should I set up my IceLab®?

Anywhere with an accessible water supply (tap) nearby, and that has a drain to let out the water.

Some suggestions: Front yard, balcony, at a park, on the beach, in your shower.

Are there any safety considerations to take into account?

Don't use an ice bath if you're pregnant, have heart issues or high blood pressure, are diabetic, have neuropathy or retinal damage, wear a pacemaker, have a history of frostbite, have an open wound, recently had surgery, or have epilepsy or any other health concerns or risks.

How often do I have to replace the water in my IceLab®?

Generally we recommend cleaning every 2 weeks or 3 if you are using the tub a few times each week. Our team personally uses their tubs every morning and replace the water every 3 weeks. Additionally, many of our customers are also using pool cleaning products to avoid replacing the water every 2 weeks. This is fine with the chiller also.

EarthLab® FAQs

What is grounding?

Grounding, or earthing, involves reconnecting with the Earth's surface electrons, either by direct contact outside or through conductive systems indoors, to neutralize free radicals and improve health. This practice brings about an array of positive health benefits.

What's the difference between Grounding and Earthing?

Earthing and grounding both refer to the practice of reconnecting with the Earth's natural energy, often used interchangeably to describe health and wellness techniques. However, some distinguish between the two: "Earthing" specifically refers to making direct skin contact with the Earth, like walking barefoot, while "Grounding" typically describes the process used in electrical contexts to prevent shocks and hazards. Despite this distinction in technical fields, for health purposes, both terms generally mean connecting with the Earth's surface. To easily engage in grounding, one can walk barefoot on natural surfaces or use EarthLab® products, durable and safe alternatives for indoor grounding.

What's the technology behind our Grounding products?

The design of EarthLab® products is straightforward and effective. Each product is crafted from conductive materials, including silver threads in our sleep systems, which facilitate the transfer of Earth's energy to you. This is done through a ground cord that connects to a wall outlet's ground port. Our products are durable, safe, and available at various affordable price points.

Does it affect pets?

Just like humans, pets can also experience significant benefits from grounding, especially those that spend a lot of time indoors and miss out on connecting with the Earth's electrons, unlike their wild counterparts.

Grounding provides similar health advantages for pets as it does for people. Pets often instinctively choose to rest on Grounding sheets if available in their environment. The practice of grounding can help reduce inflammation, improve circulation, and stimulate collagen production in pets, enhancing their overall health and well-being. It can also help relieve stress and anxiety in indoor animals.

Many pet owners have noted that their animals are naturally attracted to grounded bedding and products. Pets seem to recognize and seek out the benefits of grounding, demonstrating through their behavior the positive effects they gain from these products.

Can Grounding help with Neuropathy?

While there are no specific studies on grounding's effects on neuropathy, there are compelling reasons to believe it could be beneficial for this condition:

  1. Enhanced Blood Flow: Neuropathy, particularly diabetic neuropathy, often results from damage to the blood vessels that supply blood to the nerves in your extremities, such as hands and feet. Grounding has been shown to improve circulation, which can increase blood flow to these areas, aiding nerve healing and regeneration.
  2. Inflammation Reduction: Neuropathy can also stem from nerve damage caused by inflammation. Grounding helps the body absorb free electrons from the earth, which may neutralize positively charged free radicals that contribute to inflammation. Reducing these free radicals might help alleviate the inflammation associated with neuropathy.
  3. Pain Relief: Research indicates that grounding may reduce chronic pain, which is relevant since neuropathy often involves nerve pain. Grounding could provide relief by modifying electrical activity in the nervous system or reducing inflammation.
  4. Stress Reduction: Grounding has been reported to have a calming effect, which is beneficial since stress can worsen neuropathy symptoms. By lowering stress and enhancing relaxation, grounding could indirectly help manage neuropathy.
  5. Improved Sleep: Better sleep is another benefit often associated with grounding. Since restorative sleep is essential for healing and pain management, improved sleep from grounding might support neuropathy symptom management.

Dr. David Richards, a general practitioner, has documented the use of grounding mats to successfully treat 21 patients with neuropathy, highlighting the potential effectiveness of this approach.

Click here for a great article regarding this.

Do our Grounding products emit EMFs?

No, grounding products do not emit any EMF radiation or generate magnetic or electric fields. This is because they do not utilize live electricity; they simply connect to the earth.

Why can't I detect any continuity in the Grounding cord?

This issue is likely due to your multimeter. Our grounding cords include a built-in 10,000 Ohm resistor, a safety feature designed to prevent any unexpected current from flowing through the cord into the grounding product, while still allowing your body's excess voltage to discharge safely into the ground.

Most multimeters feature a continuity test function, which is useful for checking if a circuit is open or closed. However, this function typically uses a threshold resistance value (often around a few hundred ohms) to determine circuit continuity. Therefore, it may not accurately measure specific high resistance values, like the 10,000 Ohm resistance in our cord.

Will it work if I am in an apartment?

Yes, all of our grounding products work effectively in high-rise apartments. No matter which floor you're on, the grounding socket will maintain proper grounding.

Will my Grounding products interfere with my pacemaker or metal implants?

There is no evidence suggesting that grounding affects pacemakers or metal implants adversely. Using our grounding products is akin to walking barefoot or lying on the ground outside. To our knowledge, there are no advisories against individuals with pacemakers or implants walking barefoot outdoors.

Grounding can have a beneficial anticoagulant effect, which may enhance circulation and reduce the risk of blood clots. This effect could potentially interact with anticoagulant or blood-thinning medications, so we advise consulting your doctor before using grounding products if you are on these medications.

Here is a study demonstrating how grounding can improve blood circulation, which you can discuss with your doctor to determine if indoor grounding is suitable for you: Read the study

Many of our customers with pacemakers and metal implants use our grounding products without any problems. However, if you have concerns, please consult your doctor before beginning indoor grounding.